Whatever I=Like

WHATEVER.jpg' alt='Whatever I=Like' title='Whatever I=Like' />Whatever THIS MACHINE MOCKS FASCISTSNote this piece contains general discussion of sexual harassment and assault, so heads up on that. Hey there As most of you know, Im a dude. And like most dudes, Ive been watching this whole post Weinstein era were in with some interest. And because I am reasonably well known on the internet for talking about things, Ive had people, mostly dudes, contact me via social media and email with various questions about whats going on and my opinions on these topics. So, let me go ahead and address several of them at once, with the help of my fictional interlocutor. Say hello, fictional interlocutor Uh, hello. Lets get started, shall we. I I just want it on the record that Im deeply uncomfortable with these topics. Whatever People Say I Am, Thats What Im Not is the debut studio album by English rock band Arctic Monkeys, released on 23 January 2006 by Domino. AbOxbSlo/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Whatever I=Like' title='Whatever I=Like' />My original spoof of T. I. s whatever you like as BARACK OBAMA the first Black and 44th President of the United States of America CNN SO WHAT Video. Whatever I=Like' title='Whatever I=Like' />Of course you are Youre a dude Whats the first question Im worried that someone might call me out for having been a harassing piece of shit at some point in my past. Well, let me ask you Were you, in the past, in fact, a harassing piece of shit Maybe Im gonna take that as a yes. I wish you wouldnt. Hey there I have a book to finish with a hard deadline of, uh, next week, so I am going to hide from the Internet until it is done, or through December 3rd. Keygen Rene 2. Weve heard glowing reports from those who have been fortunate enough to see An Evening with Kristina Rihanoff and Tristan MacManus during these first few days of. Lyrics to Whatever You Like by T. I. Cause errbody know it aint trickin if ya got it. 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I was standing at the supermarket magazine rack, looking at a video game magazine, when suddenly I feel my ass getting pinched. I turn, and heres the creepy old bald dude, who must have been like sixty, walking by. And he turns around to see me looking at him, because clearly hes the only one who could have pinched my ass, and you know what that creepy chucklefuck does He winks at me. And then he goes off and he does his shopping, or whatever. What did you do I didnt do anything. Whatever I=Like' title='Whatever I=Like' />I was eleven at the time, it didnt occur to me that there was anything to do. So I thought what a creepy old dude to myself, and went back to reading my magazine. As far as sexual harassment involving an 1. I dont want to say a best case scenario, so lets call it a least damaging case scenario. But heres the thing about that Even now I remember the event, in detail, from where I was to the creepy wink and smile that dude had on his face. If I can remember that, for an event that took all of three seconds and otherwise hasnt had a substantial impact on my life, you better goddamn believe anyone who you did worse to remembers what you did. They remember. In detail. Read the accounts of those coming forward with their stories. Theres often a lot of specificity in them. Theres a reason for that. If you dont remember or barely do, its possibly because the event wasnt trauma for you. The person you harassed almost certainly has a different perspective on the event. But it was a different time Ah, yes, the Harvey Weinstein defense of I grew up in the 6. I mean, it didnt really work for Weinstein, now, did it Partly because in his case claiming that things were different then doesnt excuse being an assaulting piece of shit now, and its clear he was harassing and assaulting women right up until everything blew up in his face. But also partly because, who gives a shit if it was a different timeIf you raped someone in 1. Or in 1. 98. 3. Or 1. Or 2. 00. 3. Or 2. Or now. Theres never been a time that rape and assault and harassment havent been rape and assault and harassment. Yes, but now theres consequences Well, yes, there are. Theres no statute of limitations on consequences, which apparently comes as an unhappy surprise to a lot of dudes. A lot of the mewling about this is, well, it was so long ago. It might be But your actions almost certainly had consequences for the person you harassed or assaulted, or raped and may have altered the course of their life caused them to change their career or quit a job to avoid you, or given them psychological or physical damage. There were always consequences to your actions. Its just that now you might have to share in them. Im a better person now Great Did you ever make amends to the person you harassed or assaultedApologized, publicly or privately Taken responsibility for your actions in some way Worked to make right the trespasses you have made against others, to the extent that they wanted or allowed you too Spoken to others, particularly those who lovelikeare in business with you, publicly or privately, about your past transgressions so they arent blindsided by your pastNot as such. Aaaaah, so you were just hoping it would all just go away and you would never have to think about it again. Pretty much. Well, surprise Youre certainly thinking about it now. Lets say that before someone else outs me, I decide to out myself and admit I was a harassing piece of shit at one time in my life. What then I dont know. Try it and find out. I mean, Ill applaud your honesty, as long as its backed by actual repentance and effort to change and make right what youve done in the past. But, you know. Unless youre that creepy chucklefuck who pinched my ass 3. Im guessing hes dead by now, Im not the one to be asking about this, because Im not the one youve wronged. Cant we have, like, a truth and reconciliation commission Pardon You know Like they did in South Africa, where everyone admits the horrible things they did and everyone gets amnesty. What an interesting idea. Now, you do realize that particular commission was created after the fall of apartheid, by a government largely constituted by the victims of apartheid, yes Im not following you. What Im saying is that before we get to a sexual harassment truth and reconciliation committee, basically the patriarchy will have to be dismantled and then it will be up to those running the new system to administer such a commission. How does that work for you UhDude, Im totally ready to ditch the patriarchy if you areLet me think about that for a while. Do that. In the meantime, yeah. Youre not getting off the hook. So if I come out and admit to being a harassing shit, Ill likely get thumped on. But if I dont admit it and it comes out anyway, Ill likely get thumped on. Sounds about right. Neither of those really sounds appealing. Maybe you should have thought of that before you decided to be a harassing piece of shit. I will say this sorting out your own shit is always existentially better than waiting for other people to sort it out for you. Camfrog Pro Full Version For Pc'>Camfrog Pro Full Version For Pc. Theres a small but telling difference between I did this shit, and I was wrong, and I want to do better and Now that youve found out I did this shit, let me just say I was wrong, and I want to do better. Neither is going to be cake walk, I expect. But then, you were a harassing piece of shit. You dont deserve cake for that. Can I change the topic, a bit, pleaseSure. Whats up Lets say I that I didnt mean to sexually harass anyone, but someone says I did or said something that made them feel harassed and uncomfortable. What then One, an actual apology is good. Two, dont do it again to them or anyone else. But why should I apologize I didnt mean to do itOkay, and Look, let me be blunt with you That person calling you out on a behavior that made them feel unsafeJames Rumsey Technical Institute Whatever your destination may be, JRTI can help get you there. First of all, Mrs. Files is an amazing instructor. She is kind, patient, and extremely generous. While in her class, I helped with many fundraisers, drives, and volunteer ops. She helped me expand my knowledge about children and their minds greatly. I had a base level of knowledge and experience before I started her class, but a skyscraper was built as I learned. This class furthered my love and compassion for children. The Pre K teachers were amazing as well. They helped me to better myself and reinforced what I was taught in class. I was never put down, made to feel bad, or made to feel uneducated. Mrs. Files always made me feel loved and welcomed. If I was wrong about something or misinformed, it was a discussion opportunity rather than a lecture. Opera Mini 5 English Jar. Class was hands on and everyone got along and became friends. Of course there was drama, but Mrs. Files ensured everyone kept it together in class and that it did not interfere when learning or during the time with the kids. I loved this class and all it helped me to do. JRTI is like my other family. All the teachers were wonderful and made learning more exciting.