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Top Facebook Updates That You Cant Afford to Miss. Hello fellow marketers, and welcome back to our appointment with the best Facebook updates of the month As we are swiftly approaching winter and marketers are filled with excitement for this upcoming advertising season yes, we mean Black Friday and Christmas sales, of course, its important to catch up with what has been released and learn how to use the updates to maximize your effortsFacebook App Core Settings Site UrlFacebook App Core Settings Site UrlWe know how hard it is to find some time to read all the latest news and stay constantly up to date when you have to create and run Facebook Ads campaigns We selected the top new features you can start using now and some that are still in the test phase. You only have to click the read more button Whats going on at Menlo ParkLets start with some words from David Wehner, CFO at Facebook In Q3, the average price per ad increased 3. Zbrush Download Trial. Facebook and Instagram. I would note that, compared to a year ago, the price is a much more important driver of our ads revenue growth. What does this mean for us Be patient, well go back on that Here we go with the list of the most important updates for this month Facebook reports Third Quarter 2. Update of Advertising Transparency and Authenticity Efforts. New features for groups and pages to build communities. Verify domains in Business Manager. Facebook officially launches mobile app, educational site for video creators. Facebook adds new tools to make it easier for advertisers to reach people internationally. Facebook refunds advertisers for mobile video ads played out of view. Lets have a closer look together Facebook reports Third Quarter 2. Facebook Q3 results are out and while theres the usual rise for all figures lets dig into the advertiser specifics There are now 6 million advertisers plus 2 million on Instagram, in March 2. Mobile now comprises 8. Average revenue per user ARPU has increased in every region. Ever have one of those days where youre just sitting around, falsifying documents, and just cant seem to choose the right font to convey your alleged corruption Facebook Ads Review 101 Rules to follow to get your ads approved quickly April 4, 2017 109 Comments Massimo Chieruzzi. Optimising ad delivery to get good outcomes for advertisers will be the focus. The trend looks to be that the number of ads served will increase as they will attract more users and a higher amount of time on site but the main driver of revenue will be higher ad prices, compensated for by more sophisticated ad delivery. If you want to dig into details, Financials are here and the Call transcript is here. What does this mean for advertisers Well firstly products like Instagram stories has nearly double the number of users of Snapchat and thats not even a core product for Instagram and Facebook. Advertisers have to be on Facebook Instagram, they are attracting more daily users than ever before and theyre spending longer time on site. Just looking at the higher ad prices and going elsewhere isnt an option. On the other hand, Facebook advertising is getting more complex and advertisers are going to have to be at the top of their gamer if ad prices have risen 3. Advertisers are going to need every trick theyve got to stay ahead of the game and that means a bright future for Ad. Facebook wont load, but other sites are working fine. When I change the internet connection, like unplug or connect from an internet stick from. Facebook announced today that it sold 100,000 worth of ads to a sketchy network of fake Russian accounts between June 2015 to May 2017, a period spanning the 2016. Apple Inc. appears to have complied with the wishes of Chinese censors and removed all major VPN apps from the Chinabased branch of its App Store, a move which will. Espresso, the native Facebook ad platform is now too complex for the average user. Also gone are the days when prices were so cheap youd just get the office junior to knock up a few ads, now you need tracking, reporting and benchmarking to ensure you get good value for money. Our community continues to grow and our business is doing well. But none of that matters if our services are used in ways that dont bring people closer together. Were serious about preventing abuse on our platforms. Were investing so much on security that it will impact our profitability. Protecting our community is more important than maximizing our profits. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, and CEO. Update of Advertising Transparency and Authenticity Efforts. If you are up to date with the recent happenings and Im sure you are, you probably know that Facebook is currently at work in order to improve its advertising transparency. Users, not too surprisingly, complained about certain ads clarity, especially political ones and the ones involving branded contents. Transparency helps everyone, especially political watchdog groups and reporters, keep advertisers accountable for who they say they are and what they say to different groups. Rob Goldman, VP of Ads at Facebook. Express Invoice Registration Code. So, what are these improvements Well, starting next month, people will be able to click View Ads on a Page, which probably will be added as a new tab, and view all the ads a Page is running on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger whether or not the person viewing is in the intended target audience for the ad. It will be a great value for sure, though some advertisers are a little bit concerned by this. As far as I could understand, anyway, it seems that people will be able to decide in their page settings whether they wish to add the tab or not. The test will start in Canada and will be extended to the US by this summer, only displaying the active and running ads for the moment. What info will be shared about an adFirst of all, the ad will be included in a searchable archive that, once full, will cover a rolling four year period starting from when FB launches the archive. Provide details on the total amounts spent. Provide the number of impressions that delivered. Provide demographic information e. Also, the Right Hand Column type of campaign not the placement has been deprecated Why It was the only ad type that didnt require a page in order to be published, therefore could cause misunderstandings and blur the ads clarity. New features for groups to build communities. Groups are certainly becoming one of the main cores of the whole Facebook platform. Facebook is actively empowering them, giving to the admins more and more features and functionalities. One important thing is that groups are becoming like little communities, where all the members get to know each other, share opinions and find common interests. This is why welcome posts and polls are now available. Group admins have now the possibility to warmly welcome all the new community members, automatically tagging them, and to create polls inside their groups in order to better understand members habits Also, badges are available for group admins, moderators, and new members, so that everyone can easily understand group roles Last but not least, new controls are now available for admins we know the struggle of managing a growing community Insights also customized about scheduling posts and which is the best hours to post in order to get more engagement will be really precious for group leaders Were already testing these features for our groups and they are totally awesome Also, polls are now available for Pages as wellThe feature is similar to Instagram Stories polls, so it is limited to two possible answers. This is a great value for pages admins, as it allows them to collect precious feedback from their users, as well as have more engagement, without asking them to do anything more than tap a button. In the future, probably, polls will also offer new insights about users and their interests Verify domains in Business Manager. Businesses can verify their online domains to claim ownership of their content. This is also very important, as it perfectly integrates with Facebooks active efforts to update advertising transparency. Domain verification in Business Manager provides an easy way for businesses to verify their domains without the need to edit Open Graph markup tags on their websites.